• New York Times
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  • New York Times
  • James Beard Awards & Webby Awards

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Marc Maron And Kenji Lopez-Alt Will Help You Get Through This

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Mar 20, 2020
Marc Maron And Kenji Lopez-Alt Will Help You Get Through This

During these crazy and stressful times, we plan to focus on providing you with a nice distraction. But this week, in a show recorded in Dan's basement, we're here with commiseration. For that he turns to two old friends...

Marc Maron, comic and host of the podcast WTF, may be an expert on panic. He's spent much of his life expecting the worst, and his new Netflix stand-up special is called End Times Fun. When he and Dan worked together in the early 2000s, they used to talk about "Diminishing Buffet Syndrome" — a satirical condition they both suffer from, which creates an irrational fear that any buffet is about to run out of food or at least diminish in quality. In a time when toilet paper and canned beans seem scarce, the syndrome takes on a whole new meaning.

Then, chef and writer J. Kenji Lopez-Alt of The Food Lab and The New York Times tells us how his restaurant Wursthall, in San Mateo, CA, is doing, and what the latest research says about how to handle groceries and takeout to minimize exposure to coronavirus. (He's also written an article for Serious Eats on the same subject.)

Finally, Kenji and Dan take your calls about what to cook while in quarantine. Kenji shares his best tips for cooking dry beans to a mushy texture, what to make with eggplant, and how to cook grits

We hope you're doing okay out there. Here is some info about how COVID-19 spreads, published in JAMA and co-authored by Dr. Payal Patel, the infectious disease physician who called into the show.

Interstitial music in this episode from Black Label Music:

  • "Mellophone" by JT Bates
  • "Bourbon Fanfare" by Devon Gray
  • "Rogue Apples" by Karla Dietmeyer and Olivia Diercks
  • "Happy With You" by Ken Brahmstedt
  • "Kenny" by Hayley Briasco
  • "Pong" by Ken Brahmstedt

Photos courtesy of Dan Pashman, J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, and Marc Maron.

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