We've been told our podcast is useful on car trips. We figure since we're often pouring out of car stereos, we should address eating in the car, drive-thrus and other automotive/food issues. But neither of us own cars, so we'll need your help. Fill the comments with your ideas, questions and rants on navigating drive-thrus, best and worst food and beverage for driving, and any other issues you think we should cover. And stay safe, folks. If you're the one behind the wheel, please hold off on the eating, texting, grooming and hot-plate cooking (yes, someone got caught doing just that).
Car ownership is too much of a bother and expense in New York, so Dan and I use transit to get around. (Though we managed to weasel our way into a car to shoot this video.) I've got a few thoughts on ideal foods for subways and buses, or for walking around for that matter. So comments from transit riders, bikers, jetpackers or whatever are welcome too. /mark Photo: Flickr CC / auntylaurie