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eater questions

The Sporkful

Here's an email from Patrick in Okinawa, Japan... My girlfriend and I were catching up on the last few shows this morning while making pancakes. She was intently listening to the "Beer Serving Techniques" episode while whipping up the batter. I went into the bathroom to shave and heard the sound of a carbonated beverage can opening up. I live in Okinawa,

At Night the Sporks Pick on Me

Thanks to Sporkful listener Adam G., who found this gem on Joe Shlabotnick's Flickr page.

Canfield’s Diet Chocolate Fudge Soda Leads Sporkful Listener on Mystical Journey

See the full gallery on Posterous We received this email, complete with pictures, from Joel in Tucson, AZ. It describes a pretty epic journey in pursuit of a pretty unknown soda. I actually remember trying this soda as a child. I've slightly edited Joel's email for length, and I put my recollection of the soda after the jump... I have long wanted

Leak-Proof Tomatoes: Abomination or Advance?

When we talk about sandwich construction, we often talk about the problems that can be created by the moisture released by tomatoes. It can make layers of the sandwich slippery, causing ingredients to slide out the back mid-bite, and it can turn other ingredients soggy. Behold the new non-leak tomato (below left), an invention from across

The Sporkful

This email came to us from Elih in Ammon, Idaho. We address it in this week's podcast, but we also want your input. Any suggestions for Elih? The economy is bad, I have a lot of debt, and I can't afford the $4-5 meals offered at work. That may not seem like much money to some, but for me it's a

Back to School Dining Dilemma

Eve's a Kenyon college student writing in search of the wise ideas we know you have for this semester: I would love it if you guys did a blog post about how to eat Sporkfully on a college campus. How to spice up the lackluster dining hall food, the best things you can cook with just a microwave, what dining hall