Our old friend Luke Burkbank of the deeply awesome Too Beautiful To Live podcast was in New York, so we stapled him to a chair long enough to have on a Sporkful episode on cereal eating technique. That's coming your way later this month.
If you aren't already listening to TBTL, it's time for you to check it out, especially Monday's episode, where Dan and I are the guests, and topics include the recent nuptials of Sporkful superpal Win Rosenfeld. /markTBTL’s Luke Burbank + The Sporkful
With help from New York Times food correspondent Kim Severson and author Mark Kurlansky.
We're back in the Salad Spinner with Josh Scherer and Nicole Enayati of the Mythical Kitchen podcast "A Hot Dog Is A Sandwich."
We explore the history of an iconic American food couple -- cereal and milk -- with help from NYT food correspondent Kim Severson and author Mark Kurlansky.