This week's episode of The Sporkful podcast is up! Listen through the player or iTunes/Podcasts app. (And please subscribe!)
If you listen to this show, you know how I feel about cheese. It's one of our most treasured edible resources -- a font of creamy, rich, deliciousness.
So I'm really excited about this week's episode of The Sporkful, where I take your cheese-related calls.
First up, Adam and Jonathan in Los Angeles call in to settle a cheese debate that's lingered in stalemate for 6 years: if there could only be one cheese in the world, which cheese would you choose?
Jonathan loves the big, bold flavors of cheddar cheese...
...while Adam argues in favor of mozzarella as a more adaptable, all-purpose cheese.
"With mozzarella you have a lifetime of pizza and Italian food. Mexican food with the right seasonings can still be passable," Adam says. "[Cheddar is] like Hugh Grant -- it does one thing really well. But if you don’t want that one thing, it’s not going to help you."
But Jonathan fights back with a pizza counter-argument, pointing out that people often add salty, sharp parmigiana cheese to pizza because mozzarella is too bland.
"Mozzarella is the only cheese that needs another cheese to help it," he argues.
The only thing these two friends do agree on: lesser cheeses like brie and taleggio need not apply.
A great man once said: "blessed are the cheesemakers." (Or was that peacemakers?) Will I be able help these two warring cheese lovers put down their cheese knives and settle their differences? Listen in to the full episode to find out!
Eaters, which cheese would you choose? Take our poll (below):
Later in the episode, Erica from Illinois calls in with a pressing philosophical quandary: what's the true difference between a grilled cheese sandwich and a melt?
Clearly this question requires careful consideration. Erica proposes a two-topping limit for grilled cheese sandwiches. In other words, if you have bread, cheese, and more than two additional toppings -- it's a melt.
I endorse that limit, but I think there's a subtle but important distinction here that Erica's broad statute overlooks. Here's the gist -- you'll have to listen in for the full decision:
Dan: Like great Supreme Court justices, you and I have to make the tough calls.
Erica: That it’s a grilled cheese when I see it?
Dan: We can’t always define it, but we know it when we see it.
Eaters, we need your burning culinary questions and urgent food debates for future Sporkful episodes! Please send me an email with your food-related questions, innovations, and debates: dan [at] sporkful [dot] com.
This week's episode of The Sporkful podcast is up! Listen through the player or iTunes/Podcasts app. (And please subscribe!)
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Interstitial music in this episode by BWN Music. Photos: FlickrCC/esimpraim, FlickrCC/jeffreyw, FlickrCC/LadyDucayne, FlickrCC/Albert Lynn, FlickrCC/Scott Beale, FlickrCC/Young Sok Yun 윤영석