In The Sporkful’s first New York live show in over two years, the founder of Brooklyn Delhi and co-founder of Omsom talk about how they built their businesses.
chitra agrawal
Ahead of a new series on race, culture, and food, we're repeating "Other People's Food." Why are we willing to pay more for Italian and Japanese food than Chinese and Mexican?
Ahead of a new series on race, culture, and food, we're repeating "Other People's Food." Chef Rick Bayless opens up about the pros and cons of cultural exchange.
Why are we willing to pay more for Italian and Japanese food than Chinese and Mexican? As we learn in part two of our series Other People's Food, it has nothing to do with the ingredients.
What happens when people cook food from a culture that's not their own? Celebrity chef Rick Bayless opens up about the pros and cons of cultural exchange.
Listen to a sneak preview of our upcoming special series, "Other People's Food."