• New York Times
  • James Beard Awards
  • Webby Awards
  • New York Times
  • James Beard Awards & Webby Awards


The Perfect Sandwich Grip?

Here's a thoughtful approach to sandwich-to-mouth delivery from Eater Jeff in San Francisco (along with Jeff's above demonstration photo): Little is it known that the perfect sandwich grab is actually not a two handed grab (originally designed to accomplish minimal mass of sandwich acceleration), but a one-handed, open palmed, finger-sprawled and action-ready hand arrangement. The palm is placed on the side near the

The Sporkful

One-sided came up in our recent BLT episode as a possible toasting technique especially suited for BLT deployment. One sided toast can be made using a broiler, a tool I used before I had a toaster. (Yes, I'm aware it's a phenomenally wasteful way to toast bread, but hey, I needed toast here and there.) Adam

Behold the Chip Buddy

Part of our vision for The Sporkful has always been to create a clearinghouse for innovations in the field of eating. Some day we hope to bring all this collective knowledge together to found Sporkful University, motto: Ruminate, Masticate, Promulgate.  With these lofty aspirations, you can imagine that it's especially fulfilling when we get emails like the one we received recently

The View from Your Laptop: Hot Dogs and Sausage with Greens

Sporkful Eater Adam in Bellingham, Washington has more fresh greens than he can handle from the garden, so he's deploying them in innovative ways, with cheese hot dogs and sausage. Here's what he learned: I've found that chard doesn't have enough bite to compete with the overpowering flavor of hot dogs. On the other hand, even kale can't match the power

Irish Nachos Enter the Scene

We've recent explored Persian Tacos, so Irish Nachos seems like a logical next step. Greg, an Eater from Michigan, loads toppings atop a base of tortilla chips and jalapeno-flavored kettle-cooked potato chips. He says the potato chips worked so well that he may totally drop the tortilla chips next time he makes what he calls Irish Nachos. Greg's note gets

The Sporkful

Our episode with Marc Maron from the WTF podcast launched a movement to use coffee ice cubes to prevent iced coffee dilution. Actually, we're not sure we can take credit for the movement, but in any case, Sporkful Eaters are documenting its growth. But Jeff writes with a special concern and an ingenious solution of magical