The great Jesse Thorn of Bullseye and Maximum Fun joins us to offer his burrito philosophy, tell a story about a judgmental butcher, and generally put up with some rather absurd questions about his eating habits.
We make another holiday visit to Madeleine Brand's public radio show in LA. We're rethinking some holiday food traditions, Sporkful-style. We always enjoy being on with Madeleine - have a listen and let us know your ideas for ways to tweak Hanukkah and Christmas culinary classics.
We're back together again on Madeleine Brand's public radio show in LA. This time we talk Passover food. Listen to hear me have my very first matzo brei. Thanks to Dan for cooking up not one but two varieties of it, savory and sweet, for this gentile. We've also taped an Easter food segment with Madeleine,
Our newest highly topical interview with the awesome Madeleine Brand, the rare public radio host able to analyze Mideast affairs and namecheck Bow Wow Wow in the same show with equal confidence and credibility. We look at the good and the bad of popular Valentine's Day candies, such as heart-shaped chocolate boxes and conversation hearts. Since
We recognize that snack mix is an undeniably important issue, especially during the NFL playoffs, which is why we've explored it on the audio podcast (in two parts, actually) and in our latest Slate video. And we're not the only people who believe snack mix merits thoughtful discussion. It's the topic of our latest visit to
We had another fun visit to Madeleine Brand's public radio show. Our latest topic: holiday parties. Most of my key lessons about the topic are drawn from Die Hard. Happy holidays and yippee-ki-yay. /mark