An end of summer food fight.
We cover the the problem with everything bagels, to toast or not to toast, how big is too big, and the perils of bagel sandwichization. Photo: Flickr CC / stevendepolo
One-sided came up in our recent BLT episode as a possible toasting technique especially suited for BLT deployment. One sided toast can be made using a broiler, a tool I used before I had a toaster. (Yes, I'm aware it's a phenomenally wasteful way to toast bread, but hey, I needed toast here and there.) Adam
Cameron enjoys some open-faced smoked kahawai sandwiches. Unfortunately, I didn't get to have this when I was in New Zealand with my wife, but only because there was so much out of this world good food there (Australia too) that we didn't have time to try it all. /mark
On one of my first visits to Germany, I stayed with friends who asked if I wanted bread, just a little afternoon snack. I never turn down food, so naturally I said sure. I was blown away with what awaited me at the table. Multiple kinds of bread and pastries, some toasted. There was an array of preserves, meats, cheeses,
It's the logical conclusion of Dan and Mark's toast series: butter. Various butter modifications and delivery systems are discussed and debated, including bread, toast and lobster. Photo: Flickr CC / joeshlabotnik