On one of my first visits to Germany, I stayed with friends who asked if I wanted bread, just a little afternoon snack. I never turn down food, so naturally I said sure. I was blown away with what awaited me at the table. Multiple kinds of bread and pastries, some toasted. There was an array of preserves, meats, cheeses, sweet spreads and fresh vegetables. They even laid out multiple kinds of honey and butter.
I was blown away with the choice and pleaded that they didn't have to do anything special just because I was visiting. They looked puzzled for a bit and then explained that this was a perfectly normal. And indeed, anytime I've had bread in a German home, a condiment cornucopia is always present. The pic here is what my German roommates whipped up one early Saturday afternoon. So if you're only offering jam and butter with your bread, you have a long way to go to catch up with our German friends. And if you need ideas, check out our recent episodes and coverage of toast and butter. /mark