We get awesome mail from Sporkful fans in our e-mail box. (And we really do read them all, even if it takes us a while, since it's just Dan and I, after all.) But despite muscular anti-spam technology, some junk mail does slip through.
That's what I thought we were getting when we saw an e-mail about World Nutella Day. I figured it was just publicist bulk mail from the spread's maker. But then I looked a little closer."Ferrero S.p.A. is not officially involved with World Nutella Day, nor are the organizers compensated. . . World Nutella Day is truly a labor of love." And in fact, the chocolate hazelnut observance, now five years strong, appears to be solely run by two American bloggers living in Italy. The bar for participating is wonderfully low, and starts with eating Nutella, a deliciously easy task. My favorite use of Nutella is in a crepe. Share yours in the comments. Do you like it with peanut butter? In that case, you'll want to listen to our peanut butter sandwich episodes, both Part 1 and Part 2. /mark Photo: Flickr CC / designosophy