My after-lunch espresso started fine, with a well-pulled shot bearing respectable crema. I like just a touch of sugar in mine, so I very gently tipped the opaque, silver sugar pourer over my cup. I was shocked when a thin, dark liquid came out. In an instant I tried to convince myself it was some kind of trendy brown sugar syrup. But that was nonsense, as it was aromatically obvious I had just tipped balsamic vinegar into my espresso.
I had no illusions about this leading anywhere delicious. I knew I needed another cup, but felt bad because someone else was paying for lunch. Fortunately my benefactors found my error so hilarious that I didn't feel at all bad about ordering more, having unwittingly provided the postprandial entertainment. But so the shot wasn't pulled in vain, I felt obligated to at least try the balsamicized espresso.Sorry, there's no surprise after the jump this time. It was every bit as disgusting as you can imagine. Just because two ingredients are Italian don't mean they mingle well in a cup. /mark Photo: Flickr CC / greencolander