Because the official Congressional declaration is forthcoming, it didn't make it on to most calendars this year, but this week is in fact Tell A Friend About The Sporkful Week. What, you may ask, is the traditional way to celebrate? Well, you write emails, post to Facebook, tweet, stand in the street wearing a sandwich board (preferably made from an ACTUAL sandwich), and do everything in your power to tell your friends about The Sporkful. You see, Sporkful Omnimedia is still in its nascent stages, so we have a limited (re: nonexistent) marketing budget. That's why we're turning to you. You must have listened to The Sporkful and thought, "So-and-so would really like this." But you keep forgetting to mention it to them. Well now's your chance to atone for your carelessness. And we're making it super easy. Just tell your friends to go to TheSporkful.com to find all the info they'll need!