We're grateful for all your support, and we're excited to announce there's a brand new way to help The Sporkful, one that costs you nothing and gets you a free audiobook of your choice. Really! All you have to do is click audiblepodcast.com/sporkful and sign up for a 14-day Audible free trial, which includes any free audiobook you want. Audible is part of Amazon, so they've got practically every worthwhile book out there: fiction and non-fiction, new titles and classics. And you can download it into just about any device(s) you hear the Sporkful on and listen whenever and wherever you'd like.
Yup, that's all you have to do. For each of you that signs up for the trial, Audible gives money to support Sporkful. And they'll pay us even if you cancel during the trial period after downloading your free audiobook. So it's a great deal for you and Sporkful and it's really easy. I signed up picked my free book in about a minute, and it's especially fast if you've ever bought something on Amazon before. As Sporkful fans, you know what a cheapskate I am, so I'm naturally super-stoked about getting something for free that ALSO helps Sporkful. Just make sure you sign up through audiblepodcast.com/sporkful so Sporkful gets paid. And feel free to share that link with everyone you've ever met and encourage them to sign up too. Anyone who signs up through that URL triggers Audible sending money to Sporkful. Some of you have told us you want to support the Sporkful, but are a little short on dough and couldn't yet donate through our fund-raising site. Now you've got a way to show your support that doesn't cost you a dime, and it gets you a free audiobook. Everybody wins! And if you have donated, thank you again - you're our number one source of support. So claim your free audio book too, and you'll be supporting us even more. You can't still be reading this - get over there and grab your free audiobook! Please take a moment and head over to audiblepodcast.com/sporkful to scoop up your loot and do your part to keep the Sporkful well-fed and fighting for eaters everywhere. Thank you so much! /mark