I may not be Google or Facebook, but I know a lot about you. For instance, if you're reading this right now, I know the following: 1) You can read. 2) You choose to read even when you don't have to. 3) You like to read things that you don't have to pay to read. 4) You probably like to listen to high quality audio content on a mobile device of some kind. 5) You probably like The Sporkful, and would be happy to help support us, especially if it didn't cost you a dime. 6) You like things that are free.
I figured out the first five things based on the nature of this blog, but the sixth, well, that's just universal. And thanks to my powers of deductive reasoning, I also know one more thing about you: You'd like a free audio book from Audible.com. Fortunately for you, The Sporkful is in a position to offer you just such a free audio book. (Click here to get it!) By taking advantage of this offer, you'll get to select a free audio book from Audible's selection of over 85,000 titles. They've got new releases, best sellers, and classics, and it works on over 500 different mobile devices. It's all part of a free 14-day trial of Audible's service. You can cancel at any time, and you keep your free audio book. (And it case it wasn't obvious, with an audio book, someone reads to you, like you're royalty or something.) Plus, The Sporkful gets a few bucks in the process, so you're helping us continue to grow. Everybody wins. So click here and get that free book! /dan Photo: Flickr CC / Ian Wilson