We just heard that The Sporkful is on the iTunes list of the year's best new podcasts! We're stoked and honored and surprised - we had no idea this was coming - there's no trophy or prize or even an e-mail from Apple. Some really great podcasts are on the list with us, and some phenomenally awesome podcasts have been there in years past. We got the news from the folks behind the rather excellent Dinner Party Download, which was so honored in 2008.
It's very exciting way to close out the year, which is, of course, The Year, since we just started this thing back in January. (Very clever of us to have launched in the beginning of the year, yes? No way we would have made this list if we started in late 2009.) Thank you to all of you for supporting us by listening, commenting, e-mailing, sharing, FBing, tweeting, retweeting, and all the ways you've spread the word about Sporkful and made it better by interacting. And of course a very, very special thanks to all of you who have made donations of any size. We're a lot more awesome than when we started, but it's still just Dan and me keeping this thing going, so your support is importan. (Want to join our ranks of supporters? Please step right this way and we'll show you how to donate and all the cool exclusive goodies we'll give you as a thank you.) We've got more in store for the rest of 2010 and can't wait for the adventures 2011 holds. /mark