In our Poutine / Canada Day Spectacular show, I told the story of my somewhat disastrous (but ultimately rewarding) attempt to bring maple butter back from Quebec in my carry-on luggage. Recently we got this from Katie...
I had to write in to share my recent maple butter airport security triumph. Last week I was in Vermont on vacation and after listening to Dan's sad tale of his maple butter loss I had maple butter on the brain. I was perfectly willing to buy multiple small jars, but of course the smallest size I could find was an 8 ounce jar. I decided to risk putting it in the middle of my carry-on suitcase inside a brown paper bag and was prepared to make my case that maple butter is not firmly in the solid category if necessary. But the TSA guys at Logan airport didn't seem to notice it at all, and I made it back to DC with my eight ounce jar of maple butter intact.
Now I'd love to know your preferred methods for consumption. I've put it on toast (and eaten it by the spoonful), but I'm worried I'm not appropriately savoring my triumph. Do you have any suggestions for the best maple butter uses?
Suggestions after the jump...
I think you should definitely have a few tastes of maple butter alone, to get the purest, maximum flavor experience possible. In addition, you can put it on good bread, toasted or untoasted, depending on your preference. You may choose to eat it with the maple butter side down, to bring the deliciousness closer to your tongue. It's also great on French toast, and I've even enjoyed it spread on some dried apples. But I'll bet there are many other great uses for maple butter. If you have some suggestions, post them here or on Facebook or Twitter. /dan
Photo: Flickr CC / snowpea&bokchoi