In keeping with tradition, Dan ends the year by replaying his favorite episode of the year, and as usual, it's a little out there...
What did dinosaur eggs taste like?
In what shape would Jane Austen likely have had her dessert served to her?
What does one of the world's leading paleontologists think of the Paleo Diet?
How do you get maggots out of boiled sheep in the Gobi Dessert?
How do you make ice cream on an uninhabited island in Madagascar in the summer?
And how many ancient Aztecs would have had better teeth if they'd learned to eat corn by listening to The Sporkful?
Dan gets answers to these questions and many more when he interviews the curators of a special food exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History entitled, "Our Global Kitchen: Food, Nature, Culture." Plus, Dan calls up Deepak Chopra for some guidance on how to get maximum pleasure from meals eaten alone, and Deepak's wisdom leads Dan to experience Total Pizza Awareness.
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Photo: Flickr CC / vagueonthehow